Wigs for theater, to have a new look, for cancer and chemotherapy. Masks, prosthetics and makeup. ultima modifica: 2017-03-22T22:12:26+01:00 da
The birth of Filistrucchi company, the oldest workshop of Florence passed on from father to son, dates back to 1720.
The secrets of the ancient craft, wigmaking tradition and make-up, have been handed down from generation to generation, and today, along with the newest and most modern techniques, help ensure valuable high quality handmade products.
We produce wigs, beards, mustaches, hairpieces, and akin in natural hair; masks and prosthetics in foam latex, silicone and papier-mâché for Theatre, Film, Television and all areas of entertainment and fashion.
Our craftworks are tailored to the client need, using carefully selected natural hair and top quality materials, recreating with the typical artisan meticulousness, the perfect reproduction of the original.
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